Monday, January 19, 2009

Wait a minute

I was reading the newspaper this morning. There was a story about the black churches(on Sunday)in the country celebrating King's birthday and Obama's becoming president. The one paragraph really made me stop and say wait a minute. The paragraph said. " More than 300 people filled the pews at First Catherdral in Bloomfield, Conn, to praise King and Obama before many headed home to pack for bus trips today to Washington." Aren't we suppose to go to church to praise God?? I am having a hard time with worship being placed on the wrong things or people but this seems to be what a lot of churches are doing right now. This to me is both sad and scary.


Laurie M. said...

It really must be thrilling to be a black American at this time in history. This truly is an historic event for all Americans. Still, it is unsettling, as a Christian, to see such messianic language being used of Obama. He is not the Savior of the world, or even of the "black" world. There is only one Savior, Jesus Christ, and He died for men of every complexion.

Andi said...

You're right, God is jealous of praise rightfully due to Him.
We pray you're having a good day today! Love ya!